
Keeping your Instagram followers engaged with this one simple tip.

Instagram followers engaged.

Did you know that you can keep your Instagram followers engaged just by posting new content on a regular basis?

Recent data from Quintly showed that the average Instagram account posts once a day while accounts with the highest number of fans tended to post more than once a day - up to 2 or 3 photos per day on average. 

To get started, posting once a day, or once every other day, should be frequent enough to keep your current followers interested. If you go long periods of time without posting, don’t be surprised if you lose a few followers. Some good examples of daily posts are:

  • Behind the scenes shots of your business/office.
  • Candid shots of employees/staff.
  • Community outings that show the heart of your company.
  • Motivational quotes.

With more than 700 million monthly active users, Instagram has become one of the world’s top social networks that offers businesses an easy to use platform for creating brand ambassadors.

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